
While Sniff and Scurry had quickly moved on, Hem and Haw continued to hem and haw.


They ranted and raved at the injustice of it all. Haw started to get depressed. What would happen if the Cheese wasn't there tomorrow? He had made future plans based on this Cheese.


The little people couldn't believe it. How could this have happened? No one had warned them. It wasn't right. It was not the way things were supposed to be.


Hem and Haw went home that night hungry and discouraged. But before they left, Haw wrote on the wall:


The More Important Your Cheese Is To You The More You Want To Hold Onto It.


The next day Hem and Haw left their homes, and returned to Cheese Station C again, where they still expected, somehow, to find their Cheese.


The situation hadn't changed—the Cheese was no longer there. The little people didn't know what to do. Hem and Haw just stood there, immobilized like two statues.


Haw shut his eyes as tight as he could and put his hands over his ears. He just wanted to block everything out. He didn't want to know the Cheese supply had gradually been getting smaller. He believed it had been moved all of a sudden.


Hem analyzed the situation over and over and eventually his complicated brain with its huge belief system took hold. "Why did they do this to me?" he demanded. "What's really going on here?"

哼哼则把现在的情况分析了又分析,他用他那复杂的大脑把他所有的信条都翻了个遍。“他们为什么要这样做?”他终究没能找到答案,“这里究 竟 发生了什么事情?”

Finally, Haw opened his eyes, looked around and said, "By the way, where are Sniff and Scurry? Do you think they know something we don't?"


Hem scoffed, "What would they know?"


Hem continued, "They're just simple mice. They just respond to what happens. We're little people. We're smarter. We should be able to figure this out."


"I know we re smarter," Haw said, "but we don't seem to be acting smarter at the moment. Things are changing around here, Hem. Maybe we need to change and do things differently."


"Why should we change?" Hem asked. "We're little people. We're special. This sort of thing should not happen to us. Or if it does, we should at least get some benefits."


"Why should we get benefits?" Haw asked.


"Because we're entitled," Hem claimed.


"Entitled to what?" Haw wanted to know.


"We're entitled to our Cheese."


"Why?" Haw asked.


Because we didn't cause this problem," Hem said. "Somebody else did this and we should get something out of it."


Haw suggested, "Maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and just get going and find some New Cheese."


"Oh no," Hem argued. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this."


While Hem and Haw were still trying to decide what to do, Sniff and Scurry were already well on their way. They went farther into the Maze, up and down corridors, looking for cheese in every Cheese Station they could find.


They didn't think of anything else but finding New Cheese.


They didn't find any for some time -- until they finally went into an area of the Maze which they had never been before: Cheese Station N.


They squeaked with delight. They found what they had been looking for: a great supply of New Cheese.


They could hardly believe their eyes. It was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.


In the meantime, Hem and Haw were still back in Cheese Station C evaluating their situation. They were now suffering from the effects of having no Cheese. They were becoming frustrated and angry and were blaming each other for the situation they were in.

