
 "What does that tell us?"


"Denial," Nathan answered.


"Sure," Michael admitted. "Sometimes we're not even aware that we're afraid. I know I wasn't. When I first heard the story, I loved the question:'What would you do if you weren't afraid?"'


Then Jessica added, "Well, what I got from the story is that change is happening everywhere and that I will do better when I can adjust to it quickly."


"I remember years ago when our company was selling our encyclopedia as a set of more than twenty books. One person tried to tell us that we should put our whole encyclopedia on a single computer disk and sell it for a fraction of the cost. It would be easier to update, would cost us so much less to manufacture, and so many more people could afford it. But we all resisted."


"Why did you resist?" Nathan asked.


"Because, we believed then that the backbone of our business was our large sales force, who called on people door-to-door. Keeping our sales force depended on the big commissions they earned from the high price of our product. We had been doing this successfully for a long time and thought it would go on forever."


Laura said, "Maybe that's what was meant in the story when it mentioned Hem and Haw's arrogance about success. They didn't notice they needed to change what had once been working."


Nathan said, "So you thought your old Cheese was your only Cheese."


"Yes, and we wanted to hang onto it. When I think back on what happened to us, I see that it's not just that they 'moved the Cheese' but that the 'Cheese' has a life of its own and eventually runs out.

"的确如此,我们甚至想依靠这种方法直到永远。" "当我回过头去想发生的事情时,我发现,奶酪不仅仅会被移走。奶酪也有自己的生命,终究有被吃完的一天。"

"Anyway, we didn't change. But a competitor did and our sales fell badly. We've been going through a difficult time. Now, another big technological change is happening in the industry and no one at the company seems to want to deal with it. It doesn't look good. I think I could be out of a job soon."


"It's MAZE time!" Carlos called out. Everyone laughed, including Jessica.


Carlos turned to Jessica and said, "It's good that you can laugh at yourself."


Frank offered, "That's what I got out of the story. I tend to take myself too seriously. I noticed how Haw changed when he could finally laugh at himself and at what he was doing. No wonder he was called Haw."


The group groaned at the obvious play on words.


Angela asked, "Do you think that Hem ever changed and found New Cheese?"


Elaine said, "I think he did."


"I don't," Cory said. "Some people never change and they pay a price for it. I see people like Hem in my medical practice. They feel entitled to their 'Cheese'. They feel like victims when it's taken away and blame others. They get sicker than people who let go and move on."


Then Nathan said quietly, as though he was talking to himself, "I guess the question is, What do we need to let go of and what do we need to move on to?"'

