Part III Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I gaze in horror at the red marks all over my breasts. Hickeys! I ha一ve hickeys!

I am married to one of the most respected businessmen in the United States,

and he’s given me goddamn hickeys. How did I not feel him doing this to

me? I flush. The fact is I know exactly why—Mr. Orgasmic was using his finemotor

sexing skills on me. My subconscious peers over her half-moon specs

and tuts disapprovingly, while my inner goddess slumbers on her chaise

longue, out for the count. I gape at my reflection. My wrists ha一ve a red welt

around them from the handcuffs. No doub一t they’ll bruise. I examine my ankles

—more welts. Holy hell, I look like I’ve been in some sort of accident. I gaze

at myself, trying to absorb how I look. My body is so different these days. It’s

changed sub一tly since I’ve known him . . . I’ve become leaner and fitter, and

my hair is glossy and well cut. My nails are manicured, my feet pedicured, my

eyebrows threaded and beautifully shaped. For the first time in my life, I’m

well groomed—

except for these hideous love bites.

I don’t want to think about grooming at the moment. I’m too mad. How dare

he mark me like this, like some teenager. In the short time we’ve been

together, he’s never given me hickeys. I look like hell. I know why he’s done

this. Damn control freak. Right! My subconscious folds her arms beneath her

small bosom—he’s gone too far this time. I stalk out of the en suite bathroom

and into the walk-in closet, carefully a一voiding even a glance in his direction.

Slipping out of my robe, I pull on my sweatpants and a camisole. I undo the

braid, pick up a hairbrush from the small vanity unit, and brush out my


“Anastasia,” Christian calls and I hear his anxiety. “Are you okay?”

I ignore him. Am I okay? No, I am not okay. After what he’s done to me, I

doub一t I’ll be able to wear a swimsuit, let alone one of my ridiculously

doub一t I’ll be able to wear a swimsuit, let alone one of my ridiculously

expensive bikinis, for the rest of our honeymoon. The thought is suddenly so

infuriating. How dare he? I’ll give him are you okay. I seethe as fury spikes

through me. I can beha一ve like an 

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adolescent, too! Stepping back into the bedroom, I hurl the hairbrush at him,

turn, and lea一ve—though not before I see his shocked expression and his

lightning reaction as he raises his arm to protect his head so that the brush

bounces ineffectively off his forearm and onto the bed. I storm out of our

cabin and run upstairs and out on deck, stomping toward the bow. I need

some space to calm down. It’s dark and the air is balmy. The warm breeze

carries the smell of the Mediterranean and the scent of jasmine and

bougainvillea from the shore. The Fair Lady glides effortlessly through the

calm cobalt sea as I rest my elbows on the wooden railing, gazing at the

distant shore where tiny lights wink and twinkle. I take a deep, healing breath

and slowly begin to calm. I’m aware of him behind me before I hear him.

“You’re mad at me,” he whispers.

“No shit, Sherlock!”

“How mad?”

“Scale of one to ten, I think I’m at fifty. Apt, huh?”

“That mad.” He sounds surprised and impressed at once.

“Yes. Pushed to violence mad,” I say through gritted teeth. He stays silent as I

turn and scowl at him, watching me with wide and wary eyes. I know from that

expression and that he’s made no move to touch me that he’s out of his


“Christian, you ha一ve to stop unilaterally trying to bring me to heel. You made

your point on the beach. Very effectively, as I recall.”

He shrugs minutely. “Well, you won’t take your top off again,” he murmurs


What? And this justifies what he’s done to me? I glare at him. “I don’t like you

lea一ving marks on me. Well, not this many, anyway. It’s a hard limit!” I hiss at


“I don’t like you taking your clothes off in public. That’s a hard limit for me,” he


“I think we’ve established that,” I hiss through my teeth. “Look at me!” I pull

down my camisole to reveal the top of my breasts. Christian gazes at me, his

eyes not lea一ving my face his expression wary and uncertain. He’s not used to

seeing me this mad. Can’t he see what he’s done? Can’t he see how

ridiculous he is? I want to shout at him, but I refrain—I don’t want to push him

too far. Hea一ven knows what he’d do. 


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Eventually, he blinks and holds his palms up in a resigned, conciliatory


“Okay,” he says his voice placating. “I get it.”



He runs his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.”

Finally, he looks contrite—using my own words back at me.

“You are such an adolescent sometimes,” I scold him, mulishly, but the fight

has gone out of my voice, and he knows it. He steps closer and tentatively

raises his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear.

“I know,” he acknowledges softly. “I ha一ve a lot to learn.”

Dr. Flynn’s words come back to me . . . Emotionally, Christian is an

adolescent, Ana. He bypassed that phase in his life totally. He’s channeled

all his energies into succeeding in the business world, and he has beyond

all expectations. His emotional world has to play catch- up.

My heart thaws a little.

“We both do.” I sigh and cautiously raise my hand, placing it over his heart.

He doesn’t flinch like he used to, but he stiffens. He rests his hand over mine

and smiles his shy smile.

“I’ve just learned that you’ve a good arm and a good aim, Mrs. Grey. I would

never ha一ve figured that, but then I constantly underestimate you. You always

surprise me.”

I arch my eyebrow at him. “Target practice with Ray. I can throw and shoot

straight, Mr. Grey, and you’d do well to remember that.”

“I will endea一vor to do that, Mrs. Grey, or ensure that all potential projectile

objects are nailed down and that you don’t ha一ve access to a gun.” He smirks

at me.

I smirk back, narrowing my eyes. “I’m resourceful.”

“That you are,” he whispers and releases my hand to circle his arms around

me. Pulling me into an embrace, he buries his nose in my hair. I wrap my

arms around him, holding him close, and feel the tension lea一ve his body as

he nuzzles me.

“Am I forgiven?”

“Am I?”

I feel his smile. “Yes,” he answers.


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We stand holding each other, my pique forgotten. He does smell good,

adolescent or not. How can I resist him?

“Hungry?” he says after a while. I ha一ve my eyes closed and my head against

his chest.

“Yes. Famished. All the . . . er . . . activity has given me an appetite. But I’m

not dressed for dinner.” I’m sure my sweatpants and camisole would be

frowned upon in the dining room.

“You look good to me, Anastasia. Besides, it’s our boat for the week; we can

dress how we like. Think of it as dress down Tuesday on the Cote D’Azur.

Anyway, I thought we’d eat on deck.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

He leans down and kisses me—an earnest forgive-me kiss—then we

wander hand in hand toward the bow where our gazpacho soup awaits.

The steward serves our cr&egra一ve;me brulée and discreetly retires.

“Why do you always braid my hair?” I ask Christian out of curiosity. We’re

sitting adjacent to each other at the table, my lower leg curled around his. He

pauses as he’s about to pick up his dessertspoon and frowns.

“I don’t want your hair catching in anything,” he says quietly, and for a moment

he’s lost in thought. “Habit, I think,” he muses. Suddenly he frowns and his

eyes widen, his pupils dilating with alarm. Holy shit! What’s he

remembered? It’s something painful, some early childhood memory, I guess.

I don’t want to remind him of that. Leaning over, I put my index finger over his


“No, it doesn’t matter. I don’t need to know. I was just curious.” I give him a

warm, reassuring smile. His look is wary, but after a moment he visibly

relaxes, his relief evident. I lean over to kiss the corner of his mouth.

“I love you,” I murmur, and he smiles his heart-achingly shy smile, and I melt. “I

will always love you, Christian.”

“And I you,” he says softly.

“In spite of my disobedience?” I raise my eyebrow.

“Because of your disobedience, Anastasia.” He grins at me. 

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I crack my spoon through the burnt sugar crust of my dessert and shake my

head. Will I ever understand this man? Hmm—this cr&egra一ve;me brulée is delicious.

Once the steward has cleared our dessert plates, Christian reaches for the

bottle of rosé and refills my glass. I check that we’re alone and ask,

“What’s with the no going to the bathroom thing?”

“You really want to know?” He half smiles, his eyes alight with a salacious


“Do I?” I gaze at him through my lashes as I take a sip of my wine.

“The fuller your bladder, the more intense your orgasm, Ana.”

I flush. “Oh. I see.” Holy cow, that explains a lot. He grins at me, looking far

too knowing. Will I always be on the back foot with Mr. Sexpertise?

“Yes. Well . . .” I desperately hunt around for a change of subject. He takes

pity on me.

“What do you want to do for the rest of the evening?” He cocks his head to

one side and gives me his lopsided grin.

Whatever you want, Christian. Put your theory to the test again? I shrug.

“I know what I want to do,” he murmurs. Grabbing his glass of wine, he rises

and holds his hand out to me. “Come.”

I take his hand and he leads me into the main salon. His iPod is in the

speaker dock on the bureau. He switches it on and selects a song.

“Dance with me.” He pulls me into his arms.

“If you insist.”

“I insist, Mrs. Grey.”

A slinky, cheesy melody starts. Is this a Latin rhythm? Christian grins down at

me and starts to move, sweeping me off my feet and taking me with him

round the salon.

A man with a voice like warm melted caramel croons. It’s a song I know but

can’t place. Christian dips me low, and I yelp in surprise and giggle. He

smiles down at me, his eyes filled with humor. Then he scoops me up and

spins me under his arm.

“You dance so well,” I say. “It’s like I can dance.”

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He gives me a sphinxlike smile but says nothing, and I wonder if it’s because

he’s thinking of her . . . Mrs. Robinson, the woman who taught him how to

dance—and how to fuck. She hasn’t crossed my mind for a while. Christian

has not mentioned her since his birthday, and as far as I’m aware, their

business relationship is over. Reluctantly though, I ha一ve to admit—she was

some teacher.

He dips me low again and plants a swift kiss on my lips.

“I’d miss your love,” I murmur, echoing the lyrics.

“I’d more than miss your love,” he says and spins me once more. Then he

sings the words softly in my ear making me swoon.

The track ends and Christian gazes down at me, his eyes dark and luminous,

all humor gone, and I’m suddenly breathless.

“Come to bed with me?” he whispers and it’s a heartfelt plea that tugs at my


Christian, you had me at I do —two and half weeks ago. But I know this is

his way of apologizing and making sure all is well between us after our spat.

When I wake, the sun is shining through the portholes and the water reflects

shimmering patterns onto the cabin ceiling. Christian is nowhere to be seen.

I stretch out and smile. Hmm . . . I’ll take a punishment fuck followed by

makeup sex any day. I marvel what it is to go to bed with two different men—

angry Christian and sweet let-memake-it-up-to-you-in-any-way-I-can

Christian. It’s tricky to decide which of them I like the best. I rise and head for

the bathroom. Opening the door, I find Christian inside sha一ving, naked

except for a towel wrapped around his waist. He turns and beams at me, not

fazed that I am interrupting him. I ha一ve discovered that Christian will never

lock the door if he is the only person in the room—the reason why is

sobering, and not one I want to dwell on.

“Good morning, Mrs. Grey,” he says, radiating his good mood.

“Good morning yourself.” I grin back as I watch him sha一ve. I love watching

him sha一ve. He pulls up his chin and sha一ves beneath it, taking long deliberate

strokes, and I find myself unconsciously mirroring his actions. Pulling my

upper lip down just as he does, to sha一ve his 

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philtrum. He turns and smirks at me, one half of his face still covered in

sha一ving soap.

“Enjoying the show?” he asks.

Oh, Christian, I could watch you for hours. “One of my all-time fa一vorites,” I

murmur, and he leans down and kisses me quickly, smearing sha一ving soap

on my face.

“Shall I do this to you again?” he whispers wickedly and holds up the razor.

I purse my lips at him. “No,” I mutter, pretending to sulk. “I’ll wax next time.” I

remember Christian’s joy in London when he’d discovered that during his

one meeting there, I’d sha一ved off my pubic hair out of curiosity. Of course I

hadn’t done it to Mr. Exacting’s high standards . . .


“What the hell ha一ve you done?” Christian exclaims. He cannot keep his

horrified amusement to himself. He sits up in bed in our suite at Browns

Hotel near Piccadilly, switches on the bedside light and gazes down at me,

his mouth a startled O. It must be midnight. I blush the color of the sheets in

the playroom and try to pull down my satin nightdress so he can’t see. He

grabs my hand to stop me.


“I—err . . . sha一ved.”

“I can see that. Why?” He’s grinning from ear to ear. I cover my face with my

hands. Why am I so embarrassed?

“Hey,” he says softly and pulls my hand away. “Don’t hide.” He’s biting his lip

so that he won’t laugh. “Tell me. Why?” His eyes dance with merriment. Why

does he find this so funny?

“Stop laughing at me.”

“I’m not laughing at you. I’m sorry. I’m . . . delighted,” he says.

“Oh . . .”

“Tell me. Why?”

I take a deep breath. “This morning, after you left for your meeting, I took a

shower and was remembering all your rules.”

He blinks. The humor in his expression has vanished, and he regards me


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“And I was ticking them off one by one and how I felt about them, and I

remembered the beauty salon, and I thought . . . this is what you’d like. I

wasn’t bra一ve enough to get a wax.” My voice disappears into a whisper.

He stares at me, his eyes glowing—this time not with mirth at my folly, but

with love.

“Oh Ana,” he breathes. He leans down and kisses me tenderly.

“You beguile me,” he whispers against my lips and kisses me once more,

clasping my face in both his hands.

After a breathless moment, he pulls back and leans up on one elbow. The

humor is back.

“I think I should do a thorough inspection of your handiwork, Mrs. Grey.”

“What? No.” He has to be kidding! I cover myself, protecting my recently

deforested area.

“Oh no you don’t, Anastasia.” He grasps my hands and pries them away,

moving nimbly so he’s between my legs, pinning my hands to my sides. He

gives me a burning look that could light dry tinder, but before I combust, he

bends and skims his lips down my naked belly directly to my sex. I squirm

beneath him, reluctantly resigned to my fate.

“Well, what ha一ve we here?” Christian plants a kiss where, until this morning, I

had pubic hair—then scrapes his bristly chin across me.

“Ah!” I exclaim. Wow . . . that’s sensitive.

Christian’s eyes dart to mine, full of salacious longing. “I think you missed a

bit,” he mutters and tugs gently, right underneath.

“Oh . . . Damn,” I mutter, hoping this will put an end to his frankly intrusive


“I ha一ve an idea.” He leaps naked out of bed and heads to the bathroom.

What on earth is he doing? He returns moments later, carrying a glass of

water, a mug, my razor, his sha一ving brush, soap, and a towel. He puts the

water, brush, soap, and razor on the bedside table and gazes down at me,

holding the towel.

Oh no! My subconscious slams down her Complete Works of Charles

Dickens, leaps up from her armchair, and puts her hands on her hips.

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“No. No. No,” I squeak.

“Mrs. Grey, if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Lift your hips.” His

eyes glow, summer storm gray.

“Christian! You are not sha一ving me.”

He tilts his head to one side. “Why ever not?”

I flush . . . isn’t it obvious? “Because . . . It’s just too . . .”

“Intimate?” he whispers. “Ana, I cra一ve intimacy with you—you know that.

Besides, after some of the things we’ve done, don’t get all squeamish on me

now. And, I know this part of your body better than you do.”

I gape at him. Of all the arrogant . . . true, he does—but still. “It’s just wrong!”

My voice is prissy and whiney.

“This isn’t wrong—this is hot.”

Hot? Really? “This turns you on?” I can’t keep the astonishment out of my


He snorts. “Can’t you tell?” He glances down at his arousal. “I want to sha一ve

you,” he whispers

Oh, what the hell. I lie back, throwing my arm over my face so I don’t ha一ve to


“If it makes you happy, Christian, go ahead. You are so kinky,” I mutter, as I

lift my hips, and he slips the towel beneath me. He kisses my inner thigh.

“Oh baby, how right you are.”

I hear the slosh of water as he dips the sha一ving brush in the glass of water,

then the soft swirl of the brush in the mug. He grasps my left ankle and parts

my legs, and the bed dips as he sits between my legs.

“I’d really like to tie you up right now,” he murmurs.

“I promise to keep still.”


I gasp as he runs the lathered brush over my pubic bone. It’s warm. The

water in the glass must be hot. I squirm a little. It tickles . . . but in a good way.

“Don’t move,” Christian admonishes and applies the brush again.

“Or I will tie you down,” he adds darkly, and a delicious shiver runs down my


“Ha一ve you done this before?” I ask tentatively when he reaches for the razor.

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“Oh. Good.” I grin.

“Another first, Mrs. Grey.”

“Hmm. I like firsts.”

“Me, too. Here goes.” And with a gentleness that surprises me, he runs the

razor over my sensitive flesh. “Keep still,” he says distractedly, and I know

he’s concentrating hard.

It only takes a matter of minutes before he grabs the towel and wipes all the

excess lather off me.

“There—that’s more like it,” he muses, and I finally lift my arm to look at him

as he sits back to admire his handiwork.

“Happy?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

“Very.” He grins wickedly and slowly eases a finger inside me.


“But that was fun,” he says his eyes gently mocking.

“For you maybe.” I try to pout—but he’s right . . . it was . . . arousing.

“I seem to recall the aftermath was very satisfying.” Christian returns to

finishing his sha一ve. I glance quickly down at my fingers. Yes, it was. I had no

idea that the absence of pubic hair could make such a difference.

“Hey, I’m just teasing. Isn’t that what husbands who are hopelessly in love

with their wives do?” Christian tips my chin up and gazes at me, his eyes

suddenly filled with apprehension as he endea一vors to read my expression.

Hmm . . . payback time.

“Sit,” I mutter.

He blinks at me, not understanding. I push him gently toward the lone white

stool in the bathroom. He sits down, gazing at me puzzled, and I take the

razor from him.

“Ana,” he warns as he realizes my intention. I lean down and kiss him.

“Head back,” I whisper.

He hesitates.

“Tit for tat, Mr. Grey.”

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He stares at me with wary, amused disbelief. “You know what you’re doing?”

he asks, his voice low. I shake my head slowly, deliberately, trying to look as

serious as possible. He closes his eyes and shakes his head then tilts his

head back in surrender. Holy shit, he’s going to let me sha一ve him. My inner

goddess flexes and stretches her arms outward, her fingers interlocked,

palms out, limbering up. Tentatively I slide my hand into the damp hair at his

forehead, gripping tightly to hold him still. He clenches his eyes closed and

parts his lips as he inhales. Very gently, I stroke his razor up from his neck to

his chin, revealing a path of skin beneath the lather. Christian exhales.

“Did you think I was going to hurt you?”

“I never know what you’re going to do, Ana, but no—not intentionally.”

I run the razor up his neck again, clearing a wider path in the lather.

“I would never intentionally hurt you, Christian.”

He opens his eyes and circles his arms around me as I gently drag the razor

down his cheek from the bottom of his sideburn.

“I know,” he says, angling his face so I can sha一ve the rest of his cheek. Two

more strokes and I’ve finished.

“All done, and not a drop of blood spilt.” I grin proudly. He runs his hand up

my leg so that my nightdress rides up my thigh and pulls me on to his lap so

that I’m astride him. I steady myself with my hands on his upper arms. He’s

really very muscular.

“Can I take you somewhere today?”

“No sunbathing?” I arch a caustic brow at him.

He licks his lips nervously. “No. No sunbathing today. I thought you might

prefer that.”

“Well, since you’ve covered me in hickeys and effectively put the kibosh on

that, sure, why not?”

Wisely he chooses to ignore my tone. “It’s a drive, but it’s worth a visit from

what I’ve read. My dad recommended we visit. It’s a hilltop village called

Saint Paul de Vence. There are some galleries there. I thought we could pick

out some paintings or sculptures for the new house, if we find anything we


Holy crap. I lean back and gaze at him. Art . . . he wants to buy art. How can I

buy art?

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“What?” he asks.

“I know nothing about art, Christian.”

He shrugs and smiles at me indulgently. “We’ll only buy what we like. This

isn’t about investment.”

Investment? Jeez.

“What?” he says again.

I shake my head.

“Look, I know we only got the architect’s drawings the other day—

but there’s no harm in looking, and the town is an ancient, medieval place.”

Oh—the architect, he had to remind me of her . . . a good friend of Elliot’s,

Gia Matteo. During our meetings, she’d been all over Christian like a rash.

“What now?” Christian exclaims. I shake my head. “Tell me,” he urges.

How can I tell him that I don’t like Gia? My dislike is irrational. I don’t want to

come across as the jealous wife.

“You’re not still mad about what I did yesterday?” He sighs and nuzzles his

face between my breasts.

“No. I’m hungry,” I mutter, knowing full well that this will distract him from this

line of questioning.

“Why didn’t you say?” He eases me off his lap and stands.

Saint Paul de Vence is a medieval fortified hilltop village, one of the most

picturesque places I ha一ve ever seen. I stroll arm in arm with Christian through

the narrow cobbled streets, my hand in the back pocket of his shorts. Taylor

and either Gaston or Philippe—I can’t tell the difference between them—trail

behind us. We pass a tree-covered square where three old men, one

wearing a traditional beret in spite of the heat, are playing boules. It’s quite

crowded with tourists, but I feel comfortable tucked under Christian’s arm.

There is so much to see—

little alleys and passageways leading to courtyards with intricate stone

fountains, ancient and modern sculptures, and fascinating little boutiques and


In the first gallery, Christian gazes distractedly at the erotic photographs in

front of us, sucking gently on the arm of his a一viator 

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specs. They are the work of Florence D’elle—naked women in various


“Not quite what I had in mind,” I mumble disapprovingly. They make me think

of the box of photographs I found in his closet, our closet. I wonder if he ever

did destroy them.

“Me neither,” Christian says, grinning down at me. He takes my hand and we

stroll to the next artist. Idly, I wonder if I should let him take photos of me after

all. My inner goddess nods frantically with approval.

The next display is by a female painter who specializes in figurative art—fruit

and vegetables super close up and in rich, glorious color.

“I like those.” I point to three paintings of peppers. “They remind me of you

chopping vegetables in my apartment.” I giggle. Christian’s mouth twists as

he tries and fails to hide his amusement.

“I thought I managed that quite competently,” he mutters. “I was just a bit slow,

and anyway”—he pulls me into an embrace—”you were distracting me.

Where would you put them?”


Christian is nuzzling my ear. “The paintings—where would you put them?” He

bites my earlobe and I feel it in my groin.

“Kitchen,” I murmur.

“Hmm. Nice idea, Mrs. Grey.”

I squint at the price. Five thousand euros each. Holy shit!

“They’re really expensive!” I gasp.

“So?” He nuzzles me again. “Get used to it, Ana.” He releases me and

saunters over to the desk where a young woman dressed entirely in white is

standing gaping at him. I want to roll my eyes, but turn my attention back to

the paintings. Five thousand euros . . . jeez.

We ha一ve finished lunch and are relaxing over coffee at the Hotel Le Saint

Paul. The view of the surrounding countryside is stunning. Vineyards and

fields of sunflowers form a patchwork across the plain, interspersed here and

there with neat little French farmhouses. It’s such a clear, beautiful day we

can see all the way to the sea, glinting faintly on the horizon. Christian

interrupts my reverie.

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“You asked me why I braid your hair,” he murmurs. His tone alarms me. He

looks . . . guilty.

“Yes.” Oh shit.

“The crack whore used to let me play with her hair, I think. I don’t know if it’s a

memory or a dream.”

Whoa! His birth mom.

He gazes at me, his expression unreadable. My heart leaps into my mouth.

What do I say when he says things like this?

“I like you playing with my hair.” My voice is gentle and hesitant. He blinks, his

eyes wide, and fearful.

“Do you?”

“Yes.” It’s the truth. Reaching over I grasp his hand. “I think you loved your

birth mother, Christian.” His eyes widen even more and he stares at me

impassively, saying nothing.

Holy shit. Ha一ve I gone too far? Say something, Fifty—please. But he

remains resolutely mute, gazing at me with fathomless gray eyes while the

silence stretches between us.

What are you thinking, husband of mine? He looks lost. He glances down at

my hand on his and he frowns.

“Say something,” I whisper, because I cannot bear the silence any longer.

He blinks then shakes his head, exhaling deeply.

“Let’s go.” He releases my hand and stands. His expression guarded. Ha一ve I

overstepped the mark? I ha一ve no idea. My heart sinks and I don’t know

whether to say anything else or just let it go. I decide on the latter and follow

him dutifully out of the restaurant. In the lovely narrow street, he takes my


“Where do you want to go?”

He speaks! And he’s not mad at me—thank hea一vens. I exhale, relieved, and

shrug. “I am just glad you’re still speaking to me.”

“You know I don’t like talking about all that shit. It’s done. Finished,” he says

quietly .

No, Christian, it isn’t. The thought saddens me, and for the first time I wonder

if it will ever be finished. He’ll always be Fifty Shades . . . my Fifty Shades.

Do I want him to change? No, not really—

only insofar as I want him to feel loved. Peeking up at him, I take a moment to

admire his captivating beauty . . . and he’s mine. And it’s

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not just the allure of his fine, fine face and his body that has me spellbound.

It’s what’s behind the perfection that draws me, that calls to me. . . his fragile,

damaged soul. He gives me that look, down his nose, half amused, half wary,

wholly sexy then tucks me under his arm, and we make our way through the

tourists toward the spot where Philippe/Gaston has parked the roomy

Mercedes. I slip my hand back into the back pocket of Christian’s shorts,

grateful that he isn’t mad at my presumption. But, honestly, what four-year-old

child doesn’t love his mom, no matter how bad a mom she is? I sigh hea一vily

and hug him closer. I know behind us the security team lurks, and I wonder

idly if they’ve eaten.

Christian stops outside a small boutique selling fine jewelry and gazes in the

window, then down at me. He reaches across, grasps my free hand, and

runs his thumb across the faded red line of the handcuff mark, inspecting it.

“It’s not sore.” I reassure him. He twists so that my other hand is freed from

his pocket. He clasps that hand, too, turning it gently over to examine my

wrist. The platinum Omega watch he ga一ve me at breakfast on our first

morning in London obscures the red line. The inscription still makes me



You are my More

My Love, My Life


In spite of everything, all his fiftyness, my husband can be so romantic. I gaze

down at the faint marks on my wrist. Then again, he can be sa一vage

sometimes. Releasing my left hand, he tilts my chin up with his fingers and

scrutinizes my expression, his eyes wide and troubled.

“They don’t hurt,” I repeat. He pulls my hand to his lips and plants a soft

apologetic kiss on the inside of my wrist.

“Come,” he says and leads me into the shop.

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“Here,” Christian holds open the filigree platinum bracelet he’s just

purchased. It’s exquisite, so delicately crafted, the filigree in the shape of

small abstract flowers with small diamonds at their heart. He fastens it

around my wrist. It’s wide and cuff-like and hides the red marks. It is also

cost around fifteen thousand euros, I think, though I couldn’t really follow the

conversation in French with the sales assistant. I ha一ve never worn anything

so expensive.

“There, that’s better,” he murmurs.

“Better?” I whisper, gazing into luminous gray eyes, conscious that the stickthin

sales assistant is staring at us with a jealous and disapproving look on

her face.

“You know why,” Christian says uncertainly.

“I don’t need this.” I shake my wrist and the cuff moves. It catches the

afternoon light streaming through the boutique window and small sparkling

rainbows dance off the diamonds all over the walls of the store.

“I do,” he says with utter sincerity.

Why? Why does he need this? Does he feel guilty? About what?

The marks? His birth mother? Not confiding in me? Oh, Fifty.

“No, Christian, you don’t. You’ve given me so much already. A magical

honeymoon, London, Paris, the Cote D’Azur . . . and you. I’m a very lucky

girl,” I whisper and his eyes soften.

“No, Anastasia, I’m a very lucky man.”

“Thank you.” Stretching up on tiptoes, I put my arms around his neck and kiss

him . . . not for giving me the bracelet, but for being mine.

Back in the car he’s introspective, gazing out at the fields of bright

sunflowers, their heads following and basking in the afternoon sun. One of

the twins—I think it’s Gaston—is driving and Taylor is beside him up front.

Christian is brooding about something. Reaching over, I clasp his hand,

giving it a reassuring squeeze. He turns to look at me, before releasing my

hand and caressing my knee. I’m wearing a short, full, blue and white skirt,

and a blue, fitted, sleeveless shirt. Christian hesitates, and I don’t know if his

hand is going to tra一vel up my thigh or down my leg. I tense with anticipation at

the gentle touch of his fingers 

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and my breath catches. What’s he going to do? He chooses down, suddenly

grasps my ankle and pulls my foot on to his lap. I swivel my backside so I am

facing him in the back of the car.

“I want the other one, too.”

Oh! Why? I glance nervously toward Taylor and Gaston, whose eyes are

resolutely on the road ahead, and place my other foot on his lap. His eyes

cool, he reaches over and presses a button located in his door. In front of us,

a lightly tinted privacy screen slides out of a panel, and ten seconds later we

are effectively on our own. Wow . . . no wonder the back of this car has so

much legroom.

“I want to look at your ankles,” Christian offers his quiet explanation. His gaze

is anxious. What now? The cuff marks? Jeez . . . I thought we’d dealt with

this. If there are marks, they are hidden by the sandal straps. I don’t recall

seeing any this morning. Gently, he strokes his thumb up my right instep,

making me wriggle. A smile plays on his lips and deftly he undoes one strap,

and his smile fades as he’s confronted with the darker red marks.

“Doesn’t hurt,” I murmur. He glances at me and his expression is sad, his

mouth a thin line. He nods once as if he’s taking me at my word while I shake

my sandal loose so it falls to the floor, but I know I’ve lost him. He’s distracted

and brooding again, mechanically caressing my foot while he turns away to

gaze out the car window once more.

“Hey. What did you expect?” I ask softly. He glances at me and shrugs.

“I didn’t expect to feel like I do looking at these marks,” he says. What?

Reticent one minute and forthcoming the next? How . . . Fifty! How can I keep

up with him?

“How do you feel?”

He gazes at me, his eyes bleak. “Uncomfortable,” he murmurs. Oh no. I

unbuckle my seatbelt and scoot closer to him, lea一ving my feet in his lap. I

want to crawl into his lap and hold him, and I would, if it were just Taylor in the

front. But knowing Gaston is there cramps my style in spite of the glass. If

only it were darker. I clutch his hands.

“It’s the hickeys I don’t like,” I whisper. “Everything else . . . what you did”—I

lower my voice even further—“with the handcuffs, I 

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enjoyed that. Well, more than enjoyed. It was mind-blowing. You can do that

to me again anytime.”

He shifts in his seat. “Mind-blowing?” My inner goddess looks up startled

from her Jackie Collins.

“Yes.” I grin. I flex my toes into his hardening crotch and see rather than hear

his sharp intake of breath, his lips parting.

“You should really be wearing your seat belt, Mrs. Grey.” His voice is low, and

I curl my toes around him once more. He gasps and his eyes darken, and he

clasps my ankle in warning. Does he want me stop? Continue? He pauses

and scowls.

What now?

He fishes his ever-present BlackBerry out of his pocket to take an incoming

call and glances at his watch. His frown deepens.

“Barney,” he snaps.

Crap. Work interrupting us again. I try to remove my feet but his hand tightens

on my ankle.

“In the server room?” he says in disbelief. “Did it activate the fire suppression


Fire! I take my feet off his lap and this time he lets me. I sit back in my seat,

buckle my seat belt, and fiddle nervously with the fifteenthousand-euro

bracelet. Christian presses the button in his door armrest again and the

privacy glass slides down. I realize that this is for Taylor’s benefit.

“Anyone injured? Damage? I see . . . When?” Christian glances at his watch

again then runs his hand through his hair. “No. Not the fire department or the

police. Not yet anyway.”

Holy crap! A fire? At Christian’s office? I gape at him, my mind racing. Taylor

shifts so he can hear Christian’s conversation.

“Has he? Good . . . Okay. I want a detailed damage report. And a complete

rundown of everyone who had access over the last five days, including the

cleaning staff . . . Get hold of Andrea and get her to call me . . . Yeah, sounds

like the argon is just as effective, worth its weight in gold.”

Damage report? Argon? What the hell? It rings a distant bell from chemistry

class—an element, I think.

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“I realize it’s early . . . E-mail me in two hours . . . No, I need to know. Thank

you for calling me.” Christian hangs up, then immediately punches a number

into the BlackBerry.

“Welch . . . Good . . . When?” Christian glances at his watch yet again. “An

hour then . . . yes . . . Twenty-four-seven at the off-site data store . . . good.”

He hangs up.

“Philippe, I need to be onboard within the hour.”

“Monsieur. ”

Shit, it’s Philippe, not Gaston. The car surges forward. Christian glances at

me, his expression unreadable.

“Anyone hurt?” I ask quietly.

Christian shakes his head. “Very little damage.” He reaches over and clasps

my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Don’t worry about this. My team is on it.”

And there he is, the CEO, in command, in control and not flustered at all.

“Where was the fire?”

“Server room.”

“Grey House?”


His responses are clipped, so I know he doesn’t want to talk about it. Why


“Why so little damage?”

“The server room is fitted with a state-of-the-art fire suppression system.”

Of course it is.

“Ana, please . . . don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried,” I lie.

“We don’t know for sure that it was arson,” he says, cutting to the heart of my

anxiety. My hand clutches my throat in fear. Charlie Tango, and now this?

What next?

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《五十度灰(Fifty Shades of Grey)英文版》